What is the Average SAT Score for Students Accepted to the University of Hawaii?

Admissions to the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UH Manoa) require an SAT score between 1070 and 1270 which is higher than the average SAT scores of other universities. Learn more about how to improve your SAT score.

What is the Average SAT Score for Students Accepted to the University of Hawaii?

Admissions to the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UH Manoa) require an SAT score between 1070 and 1270, which is higher than the average SAT scores of other universities. If you are looking to improve your SAT score, you can compete with students from these schools. UH Manoa usually accepts and attracts B+ high school students with a GPA of around 3.67. We have divided the schools into three categories based on their difficulty of admission. If UH Manoa is currently out of reach, you may already be competing at these universities.

There is no absolute requirement to obtain the SAT for UH Manoa, but they are most interested in applicants who have a score of at least 1070. The average SAT score at UH Manoa is 1190 out of 1600, and the average 50% of accepted students ranges from 1080 to 1290. The University of Hawaii at Manoa requires that you be above average in your high school class, with an average GPA of 3.74. If you are currently competing for admission to UH Manoa, you should have no problem getting into these schools. You don't have to submit your ACT scores along with your application, as the University of Hawaii at Manoa exam is optional.

If you are competing for UH Manoa, these schools will offer you similar admission possibilities. The University of Hawaii at Manoa is an optional test, meaning that you don't have to submit SAT scores along with your application. Students who enter UH Manoa score 45 percent higher than all SAT takers. If you are looking to get accepted into the University of Hawaii at Manoa, it is important to understand what kind of scores they are looking for.

The average SAT score for students accepted into UH Manoa is between 1070 and 1270. This is higher than the average SAT scores of other universities, so it is important to make sure that you are doing everything you can to improve your score if you want to be accepted into this prestigious university. If you are looking to improve your SAT score, there are a few things that you can do. First, make sure that you are studying hard and taking practice tests so that you can get a better understanding of what kind of questions will be asked on the actual exam.

Additionally, make sure that you are taking advantage of any resources that your school or community may offer in order to help you prepare for the exam. It is also important to remember that UH Manoa usually accepts and attracts B+ high school students with a GPA of around 3.67. This means that if you are currently competing for admission to UH Manoa, you should have no problem getting into these schools. Overall, if you want to get accepted into the University of Hawaii at Manoa, it is important to understand what kind of scores they are looking for and make sure that you are doing everything possible to improve your score. With hard work and dedication, it is possible to get accepted into this prestigious university.

Shana Sobolewski
Shana Sobolewski

Incurable tv practitioner. Award-winning internet evangelist. Hardcore music aficionado. . Subtly charming tv nerd. Professional bacon advocate.