What is the Average Cost of Living for Students Attending the University of Hawaii?

Are you considering attending the University of Hawaii at Mānoa? Learn about the estimated costs associated with attending this university and other options available.

What is the Average Cost of Living for Students Attending the University of Hawaii?

The Are you considering attending the University of Hawaii at Mānoa (UH Mānoa)? It's important to understand all of your options and the estimated costs associated with attending this university. The cost of attendance budgets are broken down by type of degree, residence and will also vary depending on the number of credits the student is enrolled in. To help students and their families plan ahead for their enrollment at UH Mānoa, estimated budgets are used to determine the applicants' degree of need for financial aid, the difference between family resources and the applicants' situation. The table below shows the expected average costs of on-campus and off-campus housing and food plans for UH Mānoa.

On-campus housing costs range from $7,000 to $14,000 per year, while off-campus housing costs range from $6,000 to $12,000 per year. Food plans range from $2,500 to $4,500 per year. If the cost of care doesn't really reflect your expenses, there are options available to increase the cost of assistance and aid. Additionally, there are other universities in Hawaii that may offer a better fit for you.

The Cost of Attendance (COA) budget represents the estimated cost of attending a university in Hawaii for two semesters based on full-time enrollment. It's important to understand all of your options when it comes to attending UH Mānoa. Knowing the estimated costs associated with attending this university can help you make an informed decision about your future.

Shana Sobolewski
Shana Sobolewski

Incurable tv practitioner. Award-winning internet evangelist. Hardcore music aficionado. . Subtly charming tv nerd. Professional bacon advocate.